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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hit Or Miss

I have been inspired this week by a new friend to step out with words of knowledge for people.  While at the gym yesterday, I felt led to pray for these two guys and just bless them.  I didn't know what the Lord wanted to say until I started praying. I even felt like my prayer was insignificant.  I remember praying for the one fella's wife to be fruitful and praying for her womb.  I have no clue why I prayed that!  When I got home I couldn't shake the feeling about he and his wife trying to get pregnant. I tried to just let it go.  Another friend messaged me the same night to ask me to pray for he and his wife to get pregnant.  Odd coincidence?

  Well, today at lunch I felt an impression for the waitress, and I didn't get a chance to share it with her before we left.  Someone (ahem! Me!) forgot their iPad at the restaurant, so we had to go back...and I asked to see the waitress.  I shared a word I had for her about her being motherly, and asked if she had kids..."No," was the reply.  It felt like a total whiff, but I prayed for her and celebrated the risk all the way home.

  I'm back at the gym this afternoon, and I'm on the lookout for whom God wants to use me to speak to.  I see my friends from yesterday and think, " I gotta ask him about his wife!"  I waved to him from the bike, he waved back, and we each continued on our sweaty way.  Then, I saw this other guy in a red shirt and I got this picture of him in my head.  I saw him as a runner, and he was running trails, and I saw him hurting his leg.  I couldn't shake it the rest of the workout.  I'd see him bounce from machine to machine.  He didn't look injured.  No leg brace, no cast, no limp.  I thought, "I must be crazy!"  As he was leaving, I walked up next to him to ask about his workout, and then I jumped in.  "This may sound crazy, but I'm a Christian, and sometimes God gives me words and pictures about people. I saw you working out and I had this picture of you," I said.  "This may just be me making things up but tell me if this means something to you."  I shared the image that I saw and asked him if he had hurt himself running a trail.  He told me, "yeah, I did.  Actually this is my first time back to the gym in two weeks!"  I was like, "Wow!  Do you mind if I pray for you, I believe God wants to heal you!  He wasn't in any pain at the moment but I prayed and commanded healing.  He couldn't check it but said the pain usually comes in the evening.  So, I told him I'd be looking for him at the gym to ask him about it.

  Well, I then tried to track down my friend from yesterday, and he was nowhere to be found.  I texted him (yeah, I get guy's digits at the gym) to ask this: "Are you and your wife trying to get pregnant?"
  I see him coming out of the locker room reading his phone, and he starts laughing.  I approach him and he said how crazy it was about me praying for his wife yesterday.  He told her how I had prayed and she said she had a dream three nights ago that she was pregnant and that she wanted to have another baby, but he wasn't sure that he wanted to have another kid.

 Wow!  God really desires to use us to speak into people's lives and take risks!  Hit or miss, we celebrate the risks and the results!  Actually, what may seem like a miss could mean something to someone.  We have to step out and watch God work!  Praise the Lord!


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