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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Empowered Believers Do Empowered Things!

Man, it was awesome today to meet with Kevin Jeffrey​ at the Purple Door Coffee.  While I was waiting for him, I had the chance to pray for a 9 month old baby boy.  I had the impression that he was born with birth defects, and found out from his nanny that he had been born with a muscle disease.  I asked if I could pray for him, and as I was praying he was smiling and laughing the whole time.  I even felt movement behind his little shoulder blade by his back.  I know God's doing a work on that little dude's muscles!  Plus, I know it was awesome for the nanny to see that even if she was a little weirded out!
  While we were having coffee and talking about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and miracles and healings, we saw a guy walk in with an oxygen tank and a cane.  His tank had smoke coming out of it so I went to ask him if it was normal.  He explained it was because of the condensation and such.  Well, I asked him what was causing it, and he said that if anything can go wrong with the lungs that he had it.  I asked him about emphysema and he said yep.  I also asked if he had hurt his knee or his hip, and he said it was his hip.  So, I told him we were Christians and asked if we could pray for his healing.  Well, Dan had been a Christian for 25 years and he told us and he believed in the power of prayer.  We pulled up a chair for him and said we are gonna pray for you right now.  So we did, and he was at a 6 on pain scale.  I had him stand up, and reminded him about the story where Jesus prayed for the blind man, and after the first time he prayed for him, the guy saw men walking around and they looked like trees.  Jesus then prayed for him again, and the man was completely healed.  I said, "Dan, if Jesus, the Son of God, gets to pray twice, then I figure that we get to pray about a hundred times.  Can we pray for it again?"  Dan said, "ok!" So, we commanded healing to his hip, and the pain to go in the name of Jesus.  Then, Dan let us know that he had dropped to about a 3 in pain.  So, guess what?  We went for it again.  We commanded the healing several more times, and it stayed around a 3.  We are still believing for healing for Dan's hip, and his lungs.  Dan sat down and we talked about church and Jesus for about 25 minutes.  He told me about his daughter who lived in Aurora, so I gave him my card to give to her so she could check out our church.
   God has divine appointments set up for us everywhere we go, if only we'll tune into His voice, and His heart for people!  I gave Kevin a ride back to the place where he was staying and we continued our conversation about the Holy Spirit.  His church is also actually going through a series about the Holy Spirit as well (divine appointment!!).  I asked Kevin if he wanted to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, and he said, "yeah."  I shared with him from our "script" on praying for people to receive the baptism, and led him in the prayer to receive, and then we both began to pray in tongues.  Kevin said he had never experienced anything like that, and boy was he going for it!  This guy has been growing a ton ever since he accepted Christ back in September through watching an online service from Elevation.  It's great to see Christians grow and receive all that God has for them!
  I'm doing a teaching on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit on June 7th at Good News Church, so be there at 5 pm if you want to learn more!  Maybe you'll get filled that night, too!  Come out even if you aren't ready, because God has something more for you!  AMEN!

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