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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How Working Out at Home Transformed My Life

     I've written posts about my Transformation with P90X, Insanity, and P90X2, but I can even begin to try to put into words how working out at home has transformed my life.

     For years, I tried going to the gym and getting in shape, but every time I was there, I felt overweight next to the fit people on the treadmill, or puny next to the guy doing 300+ pounds on the bench press.  Plus, I had NO CLUE what I was doing.  When I first joined, I was given a trainer that would help me workout.  It worked for a while having an idea of what moves to do, and how much to lift, plus someone yelling at me that I could do it helped.  The fact that this guy was a professional bodybuilder gave me some reassurance that I would build some muscle.  The only problem was that it was expensive to keep it up, and there weren't any nutritional tips or advice, so my diet didn't change, and I didn't reach my goals.  So...I gave up.
     Whenever I would actually go to the gym to workout, it would be maybe once or twice a week, or to play basketball with some buds, but nothing ever really consistent like it should be when you are trying to get into shape.  We paid up front for our membership, so we still actually have them for life only paying about $5 a month.  Other folks pay upwards of $50 a month for a gym membership, plus hundreds of dollars for personal training.  Those things may work for the folks with big bucks, but when I discovered P90X I knew that was something I'd have to give a try.

     I ran into problems there, too, though, because I always thought it would be too hard, and I never really believed it would work like the info-mercials said it would.  It took my years after I knew about it to actually give it a try.  With a little "twinspiration" from my brother who started a month before me, I borrowed a friend's copy and went after it.  I was sore for days, even weeks, but I kept pressing play because I knew that he was.

     The beauty of working out with these DVD's at my house is that I don't have to drive to a gym, change clothes, workout, shower, then head to work.  I just head downstairs, pop in the DVD, and do my workout.  I have someone showing me the moves, AND yelling at me that I can "BRING IT!"  My wife and I did the program together, and we had motivation to keep at it.  There are some days that I don't want to get up early to do it, so I do it in the afternoon after work.  I can do it when my kids are home and they even see me being healthy.  My 2 year old sons will even get on the floor with me and try the mountain climbers and push ups.  I've even had them sit on my back for push ups, and hang on my neck for pull ups.  Try doing that at a gym!  You want your kids at the gym, then you gotta pay extra for that!

     It may not work for everyone to get the motivation to press play, but it worked for me.  I have saved thousands of dollars on expensive gym memberships, training, and even home gym equipment by doing P90X (which need minimal equipment), Insanity (no equipment), P90X2 (more equipment, but you can modify the moves without), and RevAbs (no equipment necessary).  I'm off to start Insanity: Asylum in a couple of weeks, and continue to get in the best shape of my life.  If you want to join me, I can motivate you to press play with one of my Challenge Groups that I start each month, and you can get back to your high school weight!
   Sign up for a FREE membership at my Coach page:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Elevation 2 Year Anniversary

Thanks again for those of you supporting us monetarily and through prayer as we continue to do ministry here with Elevation Christian Church.  Today, we celebrated our 2nd anniversary being in existence as a church.  God showed up in a BIG way with people accepting Christ, and others being prompted and called to serve God in a new way!  God is on the move in Aurora, and we get the chance to a part of it. 

 I'm excited that we are starting our Community Groups this week, and that I get to co-lead a group for adults.  This will be quite the difference for me as I've always done small groups with students.  Hopefully, the adults can humor me with a round of "Fluffy Bunny" or the "Oreo Slide" - a couple of youth group small group games that are great for a laugh!

  If you are interested in learning more about Elevation, or even watching one of the services, you can visit our website at  Don't forget that you can also "Support The Barbours" with monthly support set up online just by logging in to CCB and setting it up.  If you need assistance with that, let me know! 

  On a personal note, Jenni is almost 37 weeks pregnant, and the doctors say that is full term, so she can pop our 3rd little guy out anytime and he should have no problems with breathing, etc.  Keep praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery as we anticipate the arrival of Baby Jaxon this month!