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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The "B" Word

I'm not sure if you have a problem with the "B" word in your house but in mine, it has been pretty crazy! We had a meeting about the "B" word just Friday afternoon and we had to lay it all out on the line. It was time to kick back into gear our monthly Budget meeting. After getting out of credit card debt, we slacked off with the budget and just did whatever we wanted with the money. Too much spent on groceries, shopping, and out to eat, & we have noticed it!
With the third barbour boy due this next month, & uncertainty with the support raising, it was time to bust out the "B" word once again. We are back to Dave Ramsey's cash envelope system, & we are tightening the belt!
We are grateful to God for all the support that has come in so far and we want to be the best stewards of it! We are hoping to get back to a place where we can give to those in need and expect nothing in return.
Luke 6 tells us to "give and it will be given into you...good measure, pressed down,& shaken together"
Giving God our best means we start with Him in the budget!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Man Vs. Wife

I have to say that I'm excited for our new series beginning this coming Sunday.  As the Worship & Arts Pastor at Elevation, I get the privelege to help people understand what worship is, and to express that through music and creativity.  In this series, we'll be doing some popular songs that will hopefully get people to think about their marriages, relationships, or what they'd like out of their marriage or future marriage.  The thing I'm most excited about is that God is going to do a miraculous work in saving marriages that are on the brink of divorce.  We are praying that He shows up in power through the Elevation Experience each week so that people will leave better than when they came in.  I love one of our mottos, "it's OK to not be OK, but God doesn't want you to stay that way."  It's OK if you are having problems in your marriage, but God is on the verge of a breakthrough and He may just want to use this series to help you overcome those struggles and be better together!  Come check it out!  Or watch online at

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Support The Barbours

My wife and I have been on quite a spiritual and emotional roller coaster ride over the last six months.  During a season of prayer, we sensed God calling us to plant a church.  Jenni and I began to seek more earnestly for God’s direction and guidance.  When we announced that we were considering planting a church we received many different reactions.  Mostly, we were told that planting a church would be the hardest thing that we would ever do.  Now, those were really encouraging words!  Jenni and I were scared and unsure of where to start.  I wasn’t quite certain what our church would look like, but I knew that I wanted to be in a church that existed for people who did not like church.
So, we decided to look at some churches in the area.  We mainly wanted to get a sense of what church planting looked like, but we also endeavored to see if any churches in our area were reaching the un-churched.  We were told to check out Elevation Christian Church in Aurora, Colorado.  We decided to visit and I remember leaving that Sunday thinking to myself, “This is exactly how I would do church.”  As we continued to pray for God’s hand in our lives, Elevation asked me to lead worship on a Sunday morning.  It was such a great experience seeing the churched and un-churched worshipping God together.  Wow!  We even witnessed several people surrender their lives to God that day.  Every Sunday I witness God working in the lives of the lost and I would not change it for the world.
We believe that God has called us to Elevation to learn and be a part of a church planting team that is excited about reaching the un-churched.  We just celebrated our 100th baptism in less than two years!  God is moving here in Aurora, Colorado and Jenni and I would like to invite you to be a part of our experience.  Here is how:  First, please pray for us.  Second, ask God to send people to our church that do not have a relationship with Jesus.  Finally, consider giving financially to support my position at Elevation.  We believe that God has called us here and we also believe that God will provide.  By the way, Jenni and I are expecting our third child (Jaxon) in October.  Perfect timing, right? 
Despite our circumstances and worries, we are placing our faith in Jesus and his promises that are found in Scripture.  Will you help support our family, ministry, and my position here at Elevation?
We are trusting God to provide for our needs, and we want you to be a part of our journey! Would you be willing to step out in faith and support my family financially as we pursue God?  We need to raise $30,000 to continue here at Elevation and we know that with your help, God will richly provide over and above our need.
Here is a breakdown of what we need and how you can partner with us:
1.    3 people to give $1,000.
2.    20 people to give $500.
3.   30 people to give $200.
4.   40 people to give $150.
5.   50 people to give $100.
Please feel free to give what you can.  You can sponsor us with a one-time gift, or with automated monthly gifts set up online.  All gifts are appreciated and will be tax-deductible. 
Thank you so much for your support and your prayers.
If you want to hear more about my journey, click the video below!  You can give online here!  Don't forget to specify "Support the Barbours"