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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Beachbody Challenge Packs and Facebook Challenge Groups

To get you started on your weight loss body transformation, TeamBeachbody® has an easy solution to give all the tools you need to maximize your weight loss results. It’s called a Beachbody Challenge Pack and a Beachbody Challenge Group!

What is a Beachbody Challenge Pack?

A Challenge Pack is a Beachbody program, Shakeology, and a FREE 30 Day Trial TeamBeachbody Club membership, all at a DISCOUNTED price. So you pay less then if you bought them separately! Plus there is FREE SHIPPING on everything too. Normal shipping rates for a program and Shakeology is around $20 so that’s a nice bonus!
Get a Discount with FREE Shipping on a Beachbody Challenge Pack!
Plus, the TeamBeachbody Club Membership gives you a 10% discount on anything at the TeamBeachbody store!  The Club Membership also gives you access to the awesome Meal Planner, recipe section, and food database. This is another tool that will help you with the Challenge! Because each member will have a different starting weight and goals, I highly recommend using the Beachbody® Club membership to customize a meal plan specific to YOUR goals to get you the BEST possible results!
As an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, I can personally vouch for my clients that combining Shakeology with a program is the best way to GET MAXIMUM RESULTS! So you will get everything you need to start your journey by ordering a Challenge Pack and save a ton of money too! Plus any new member to Team Beachbody that places an order at my site will automatically have me assigned as their personal Beachbody Coach to help you MAXIMIZE RESULTS! Already have a assigned Coach? Contact me to learn how to change your Beachbody Coach.

Get FREE Daily Personal Coaching Support and Motivation

I always Coach my members to help them maximize their results and achieve their goals, but by ordering a Challenge Pack you can grab an exclusive seat in one of my private Facebook Challenge Groups! I provide DAILY COACHING SUPPORT for my Facebook Challenge Group members. These members are my top priority and have fantastic results! Scroll to the bottom of the page to learn more about my Facebook Challenge Groups.

Where can I find Challenge Packs?

Since Challenge Packs are such a killer deal, they are ONLY available by coaches like myself and Scroll down to find the various Challenge Pack program options and order yours today!

How Much are Challenge Packs?

It depends on the program included in the Challenge Pack. But no matter what you are guaranteed a discount and FREE SHIPPING. However, current TeamBeachbody Club members pay the normal price. That’s because the Challenge Packs are already discounted so heavily!
However, there is a fantastic special where you can sign up to be a Beachbody Coach and get your first month as a Coach for FREE — when you order a Challenge Pack! Since Beachbody Coaches enjoy the wholesale rate of 25%, that is an EPIC deal! Besides, you can earn 25% commission from your recommendations too. Trust me, when you get good results from a Challenge Pack, people are going to want to know how you did it! Contact me for details on how to score that killer deal!


$305 Challenge Packs – SAVE $45.70Beachbody Ultimate Reset Challenge Pack

The best selling program and ironically, NOT an exercise program! Includes Ultimate Reset program, Ultimate Reset Supplements and Shakeology on Home Direct, 30 Day Trial of Club Membership, FREE SHIPPING on EVERYTHING!

$245 Challenge Packs – SAVE $42.85Les Mills PUMP Challenge Pack

Les Mills PUMP Program, Barbell set, Shakeology, 30 Day Trial of Club Membership, FREE SHIPPING on EVERYTHING!

$220 Challenge PackBody Beast Challenge Pack

Body Beast is the only Challenge Pack to NOT have Shakeology. That’s because the goal is to gain weight, not lose it!
This Challenge Pack includes the Body Beast program, 30 Day Trial of Club Membership, and the whole line of awesome Body Beast bodybuilding supplements:  Base Shake, Fuel Shot, Max Creatine, Super Suma.

$205 Challenge Packs – SAVE $44.69

Some of our most popular programs to get ripped, burn fat, and get that Beach body! Includes a Program, Shakeology, 30 Day Trial of Club Membership, FREE SHIPPING on EVERYTHING!

$180 Challenge Packs – SAVE $26.33

Even better savings on more hot programs! Challenge Pack includes a Program, Shakeology, 30 Day Trial of Club Membership,

Beachbody Challenge Pack Ten Minute Trainer Insanity Asylum

$160 Challenge Packs – SAVE $25.75

Our lowest price Challenge Packs! Brazil Butt lift is our hottest “ladies” workout and both TurboJam , Slim in 6, and Power90 are excellent entry level programs.
Challenge Pack includes a Program, Shakeology, 30 Day Trial of Club Membership, FREE SHIPPING on EVERYTHING!

Beachbody Challenge Pack Hip Hop Abs Power90 Brazil Butt Lift

What is the Beachbody Challenge?

I host private Facebook accountability groups to ensure maximum results for the participants. Each group is limited to only 5 members who are committed to making a change in their lives. These 5 members have accepted to “Challenge” their lives with a goal of getting healthy and fit like never before.
These special Facebook Challenge Groups will receive guidance, training, nutritional support, and plenty of motivational support, from my consistent, daily personal coaching. I will open a private Facebook group as a central location for accountability and support, but will also give my cell phone number to all participants and will be available for one on one counseling. And you better believe I will be calling you if you are not posting your accountability in the Facebook Group!

What makes a Challenge Groups so effective?

I’ve always been a big believer in challenges because it highly motivates people, and the commitment level is much higher when joining others with similar goals. When you have a small group, communication is much easier, and you’re able to hold each other accountable and push each other even more than being part of a large group. Plus, there is always some serious competition going on, forcing you to push even harder to achieve better results. When you have competition, encouragement, accountability, and support from 5 other people, it literally is a recipe for success! From the challenges I’ve held in the past, it’s unbelievable the type of results that some people got, and they even mentioned to me that there was no way they could have gotten those results without being part of an exclusive group. If you want to achieve your fitness goals, you’re not going to find a better way than with these challenge groups!

Gregg, how do I join your Challenge Group?

Simple! Here is what you need prior to joining a Challenge Group:
I need to be your Beachbody Coach
You must commit to a Beachbody Fitness Program
You must commit to drinking Shakeology everyday
#1: If you are new to TeamBeachbody, anything you order at my site will automatically assign me as your Coach. Already have a assigned Coach? No problem! Contact me to learn how to change your Beachbody Coach.
#2: Next, you have to be using Shakeology with the program. The reason Shakeology is a requirement is because it’s a product that I’ve been using for over 2 years now, am 100% confident that works, and have recommended to literally everyone I know, including my friends and family. If you want to get the best results possible, you have to be using Shakeology as a meal replacement every day and combine it with a healthy diet and a workout program. I know for a fact that you will get results by doing all of these together because I have coached hundreds of people over the course of 2 years, and the ones who have done this have gotten the best results!

What will I need to do once I’m in a Challenge Group?

The first thing that you will need to do is share your goals with everyone else in the group, including me. Once in the group, you will need to post daily that you’ve completed your workout, followed the diet, and ask any questions or provide support to the other group members. While going through your journey, you’re going to want to make sure you take progress photos every 15 days and post them in the group as well. This way you can show each other that you’re getting results and staying committed! If you want, you can hold certain challenge within your group as well, such as who loses the most weight during the 90 days.

Are there any prizes for being in a Challenge Group?

YES! Beachbody will be giving away daily, monthly, quarterly, and even a grand prize of $100,000 for those with the best results!
I’m confident that you’re not going to find a better way to get results than you would by being part of a Beachbody Challenge Group! Unlimited support, constant encouragement, friendly competition, and some added prizes will motivate you to commit yourself for the entire 60/90 days and get into the best shape of your life. I can’t wait to help you guys reach your goals and again, I can’t tell you how PUMPED I am to get these groups rolling! LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER!!!!

Contact Me with any questions and Get Started Today!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Healthy Living

For a while now I have been focused on losing weight and being in shape, and I have seen the benefits to my body but more importantly to the lifestyle of my family. I love seeing my 2 1/2 year olds picking up the dumbbells or the bands or jump rope and trying to do what Daddy does. I tell them I'm going to go downstairs to exercise and they wanna follow me down. I get to work out and be an example for my kids. In a trend of fast food, obesity, and sugared candy overload, my kids get a glimpse of healthy living and they even want to eat their veggies with Daddy.
I think it's important to live healthy so we can reach our God given potential and stick around long enough to be used by Him for a while!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How Working Out at Home Transformed My Life

     I've written posts about my Transformation with P90X, Insanity, and P90X2, but I can even begin to try to put into words how working out at home has transformed my life.

     For years, I tried going to the gym and getting in shape, but every time I was there, I felt overweight next to the fit people on the treadmill, or puny next to the guy doing 300+ pounds on the bench press.  Plus, I had NO CLUE what I was doing.  When I first joined, I was given a trainer that would help me workout.  It worked for a while having an idea of what moves to do, and how much to lift, plus someone yelling at me that I could do it helped.  The fact that this guy was a professional bodybuilder gave me some reassurance that I would build some muscle.  The only problem was that it was expensive to keep it up, and there weren't any nutritional tips or advice, so my diet didn't change, and I didn't reach my goals.  So...I gave up.
     Whenever I would actually go to the gym to workout, it would be maybe once or twice a week, or to play basketball with some buds, but nothing ever really consistent like it should be when you are trying to get into shape.  We paid up front for our membership, so we still actually have them for life only paying about $5 a month.  Other folks pay upwards of $50 a month for a gym membership, plus hundreds of dollars for personal training.  Those things may work for the folks with big bucks, but when I discovered P90X I knew that was something I'd have to give a try.

     I ran into problems there, too, though, because I always thought it would be too hard, and I never really believed it would work like the info-mercials said it would.  It took my years after I knew about it to actually give it a try.  With a little "twinspiration" from my brother who started a month before me, I borrowed a friend's copy and went after it.  I was sore for days, even weeks, but I kept pressing play because I knew that he was.

     The beauty of working out with these DVD's at my house is that I don't have to drive to a gym, change clothes, workout, shower, then head to work.  I just head downstairs, pop in the DVD, and do my workout.  I have someone showing me the moves, AND yelling at me that I can "BRING IT!"  My wife and I did the program together, and we had motivation to keep at it.  There are some days that I don't want to get up early to do it, so I do it in the afternoon after work.  I can do it when my kids are home and they even see me being healthy.  My 2 year old sons will even get on the floor with me and try the mountain climbers and push ups.  I've even had them sit on my back for push ups, and hang on my neck for pull ups.  Try doing that at a gym!  You want your kids at the gym, then you gotta pay extra for that!

     It may not work for everyone to get the motivation to press play, but it worked for me.  I have saved thousands of dollars on expensive gym memberships, training, and even home gym equipment by doing P90X (which need minimal equipment), Insanity (no equipment), P90X2 (more equipment, but you can modify the moves without), and RevAbs (no equipment necessary).  I'm off to start Insanity: Asylum in a couple of weeks, and continue to get in the best shape of my life.  If you want to join me, I can motivate you to press play with one of my Challenge Groups that I start each month, and you can get back to your high school weight!
   Sign up for a FREE membership at my Coach page:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Elevation 2 Year Anniversary

Thanks again for those of you supporting us monetarily and through prayer as we continue to do ministry here with Elevation Christian Church.  Today, we celebrated our 2nd anniversary being in existence as a church.  God showed up in a BIG way with people accepting Christ, and others being prompted and called to serve God in a new way!  God is on the move in Aurora, and we get the chance to a part of it. 

 I'm excited that we are starting our Community Groups this week, and that I get to co-lead a group for adults.  This will be quite the difference for me as I've always done small groups with students.  Hopefully, the adults can humor me with a round of "Fluffy Bunny" or the "Oreo Slide" - a couple of youth group small group games that are great for a laugh!

  If you are interested in learning more about Elevation, or even watching one of the services, you can visit our website at  Don't forget that you can also "Support The Barbours" with monthly support set up online just by logging in to CCB and setting it up.  If you need assistance with that, let me know! 

  On a personal note, Jenni is almost 37 weeks pregnant, and the doctors say that is full term, so she can pop our 3rd little guy out anytime and he should have no problems with breathing, etc.  Keep praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery as we anticipate the arrival of Baby Jaxon this month!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The "B" Word

I'm not sure if you have a problem with the "B" word in your house but in mine, it has been pretty crazy! We had a meeting about the "B" word just Friday afternoon and we had to lay it all out on the line. It was time to kick back into gear our monthly Budget meeting. After getting out of credit card debt, we slacked off with the budget and just did whatever we wanted with the money. Too much spent on groceries, shopping, and out to eat, & we have noticed it!
With the third barbour boy due this next month, & uncertainty with the support raising, it was time to bust out the "B" word once again. We are back to Dave Ramsey's cash envelope system, & we are tightening the belt!
We are grateful to God for all the support that has come in so far and we want to be the best stewards of it! We are hoping to get back to a place where we can give to those in need and expect nothing in return.
Luke 6 tells us to "give and it will be given into you...good measure, pressed down,& shaken together"
Giving God our best means we start with Him in the budget!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Man Vs. Wife

I have to say that I'm excited for our new series beginning this coming Sunday.  As the Worship & Arts Pastor at Elevation, I get the privelege to help people understand what worship is, and to express that through music and creativity.  In this series, we'll be doing some popular songs that will hopefully get people to think about their marriages, relationships, or what they'd like out of their marriage or future marriage.  The thing I'm most excited about is that God is going to do a miraculous work in saving marriages that are on the brink of divorce.  We are praying that He shows up in power through the Elevation Experience each week so that people will leave better than when they came in.  I love one of our mottos, "it's OK to not be OK, but God doesn't want you to stay that way."  It's OK if you are having problems in your marriage, but God is on the verge of a breakthrough and He may just want to use this series to help you overcome those struggles and be better together!  Come check it out!  Or watch online at

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Support The Barbours

My wife and I have been on quite a spiritual and emotional roller coaster ride over the last six months.  During a season of prayer, we sensed God calling us to plant a church.  Jenni and I began to seek more earnestly for God’s direction and guidance.  When we announced that we were considering planting a church we received many different reactions.  Mostly, we were told that planting a church would be the hardest thing that we would ever do.  Now, those were really encouraging words!  Jenni and I were scared and unsure of where to start.  I wasn’t quite certain what our church would look like, but I knew that I wanted to be in a church that existed for people who did not like church.
So, we decided to look at some churches in the area.  We mainly wanted to get a sense of what church planting looked like, but we also endeavored to see if any churches in our area were reaching the un-churched.  We were told to check out Elevation Christian Church in Aurora, Colorado.  We decided to visit and I remember leaving that Sunday thinking to myself, “This is exactly how I would do church.”  As we continued to pray for God’s hand in our lives, Elevation asked me to lead worship on a Sunday morning.  It was such a great experience seeing the churched and un-churched worshipping God together.  Wow!  We even witnessed several people surrender their lives to God that day.  Every Sunday I witness God working in the lives of the lost and I would not change it for the world.
We believe that God has called us to Elevation to learn and be a part of a church planting team that is excited about reaching the un-churched.  We just celebrated our 100th baptism in less than two years!  God is moving here in Aurora, Colorado and Jenni and I would like to invite you to be a part of our experience.  Here is how:  First, please pray for us.  Second, ask God to send people to our church that do not have a relationship with Jesus.  Finally, consider giving financially to support my position at Elevation.  We believe that God has called us here and we also believe that God will provide.  By the way, Jenni and I are expecting our third child (Jaxon) in October.  Perfect timing, right? 
Despite our circumstances and worries, we are placing our faith in Jesus and his promises that are found in Scripture.  Will you help support our family, ministry, and my position here at Elevation?
We are trusting God to provide for our needs, and we want you to be a part of our journey! Would you be willing to step out in faith and support my family financially as we pursue God?  We need to raise $30,000 to continue here at Elevation and we know that with your help, God will richly provide over and above our need.
Here is a breakdown of what we need and how you can partner with us:
1.    3 people to give $1,000.
2.    20 people to give $500.
3.   30 people to give $200.
4.   40 people to give $150.
5.   50 people to give $100.
Please feel free to give what you can.  You can sponsor us with a one-time gift, or with automated monthly gifts set up online.  All gifts are appreciated and will be tax-deductible. 
Thank you so much for your support and your prayers.
If you want to hear more about my journey, click the video below!  You can give online here!  Don't forget to specify "Support the Barbours"

Thursday, August 16, 2012


After pressing through 60 days of Insanity, I got my free shirt in the mail! Now, I'm in good company with those who dug deeper to see some results. I lost 5 lbs & 5% body fat in 60 days! If you or someone you know is interested in getting in the best shape of their life, then let me know!!


In February of 2011, I realized that something in my life had to change.  I had become stagnant, lazy, and tired.  I never had energy, and endured constant heartburn even if I wasn't eating spicy foods (which I love).  I got a little "twinspiration" when my brother told me he was going to start P90X.  I thought, "I have always been the skinny twin, and there's no way he's going to lose weight without me!"  I weighed in at a whopping 230 lbs.--the heaviest I'd ever been.  Those first few days were tough--fighting soreness, fatigue, and the desire to just give up after not seeing the six pack in 2 weeks.  I pressed through with the motivation and accountability of my brother and my wife who was doing the program with me.  I lost about 15 lbs, and I was hooked.  I did it again, and then graduated to Insanity, and then back to P90X, and then to P90X2.  All in all, I've lost almost 50 lbs, and am in the best shape of my life.  I'm here to tell you that P90X, Insanity, and P90X2 works.  I'm currently doing a P90X/RevAbs hybrid, and hoping that this is the phase that helps me to say good-bye to that spare tire and hello to my six pack abs that I never saw in those first two weeks of P90X.  

I was looking through old pictures and was amazed at the transformation.  Not only in my looks, but my life as well.  I have energy to run around with the kids, play basketball on a rec team with guys 10 years younger than me, and I haven't had a single heartburn in almost a year.  I was using Prevacid, and other OTC drugs for this and haven't had to take a single pill since I changed my life.  I'm also using Shakeology to help with the weight loss, energy, and overall health.  You gotta get on board if you are looking for a change!  I loved it so much that I decided to become a coach.  Visit my page at for more information!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Power Of Encouragement

I have never been a person who describes myself as having the gift of "encouragement."  Though, I often try to encourage people, it just doesn't come as naturally to me as to other people.  I am often struck, however, by the power of a positive encouraging word in someone's life.  

I have been watching shows like American Idol, and the Voice, where people receive honest feedback, are often let down by harsh truths, or even feel left out because they weren't part of something they've been dreaming about their entire lives.  One of the coaches on the Voice, after not hitting the button to turn his chair around, told the girl she was "pitchy," and then he said, "but, you're beautiful, so congratulations on that."  I thought it was funny at first...I even laughed out loud.  As I thought about that a little more, there were a couple of things that struck me.  1. He realized that he didn't want to completely crush her feelings by telling her the truth, so he stuck in a compliment, an encouragement.  It probably would have felt like throwing a dagger, to just end his comment with "sorry we didn't pick you, it was pitchy."  I completely understand that.  2. How often are our "encouragements" superficial?  "You're beautiful." "Great hair." "Nice hat."  Now I get that we want to comment on people's style, their look, but why can't we be more genuine with our encouragement?  "I really like your hat" doesn't go as far as, "Wow!  I'm really intrigued by your style."  Or something that comments beyond the normal, everyday encouragement, and speaks of something deep within a person.

  I'm always struck whenever I receive an encouragement that I never expected, or from someone that I never expected.  I got a facebook message tonight from an old friend that went to elementary school with me.  We also shared a workplace in high school, but I never would have expected to receive an encouragement from someone that I don't really interact with on a daily basis.  It was wild, and it really meant a lot!  Sure, he could have said a number of different things and I would have been happy, but he also spoke to something in my life at the moment that I needed to hear it, in the midst of some of my own insecurities and weaknesses.  

  A well timed encouragement can go a long way--it may not even matter if it's about someone's look, style, hair-do, or singing voice--but if it's genuine, and more so, if it's lead by God (you just get that feeling that you have to tell them) then it may very well make all the difference in the world.  

  Thanks, friend, for a well timed, God-lead, encouragement.